Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wonder How True This Is????

Okay so some man claiming to be Mo'Nique's ex-fiance has just put the comedian on blast...

A man named Marvin Dawson, who lived with Mo'Nique for 3 years, recently gave an interview to The National Enquirer. Here's some of what he said:

Not only was [Mo'Nique] an avid marijuana user, but she also did cocaine. And what's worse, she began making money dealing coke ... [After we separated] Mo'Nique threatened my life! She said if I ever told anyone about her lifestyle, she'd hire someone to kill me.And just for good measure, Marvin added that Mo'Nique also cheated on her taxes.

He also claims:
She would have people pay her $35,000 in cash to do a stand-up show and not claim a penny of it on her taxes.

...I don't know how true this is but I'll keep you posted...

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